Summer 2018 Update
- Thank You!
- In Memoriam — Don Perera and Suzanne Kizer
- Clover Valley Foundation's 20th Anniversary
- Update on Clover Valley Subdivision Plan
- Board Members
- Rocklin Golf Course
Thank You!
We want to thank all our supporters, many of which have stood with us for the entire 19 years of our existence! Our 2017 end-of-the-year correspondence was to let you know that we are still working hard behind the scenes to save Clover Valley and stay involved in various environmental outreach events. It is your ongoing help that has sustained Clover Valley Foundation and our efforts through all the years! YOU are very much appreciated!
In Memoriam — Don Perera and Suzanne Kizer — Loyal and Passionate CVF Donors
Don Perera
Don Perera, 79 years young and longtime Rocklin resident and major supporter of the Save Clover Valley effort passed away in 2017. Don loved the valley and everything about it but had a special interest in the cultural resources and Maidu Native American tribal history. Don was raised on the East Coast and always wanted to be a cowboy. He was a volunteer docent at the Maidu Indian Museum in Roseville. He was a tireless CVF supporter and created many of the marketing materials (banners, magnets, flyers, maps etc.) we use at various functions to educate others on what is at stake in losing Clover Valley. He volunteered at numerous outreach tabling events over the years and was always available to pitch in. We miss Don dearly, but he is with us in Spirit. Rest in Peace, Don.
Suzanne Kizer
Suzanne Kizer, 68, also a longtime Rocklin resident and ardent supporter of Save Clover Valley recently passed away in June 2018. Suzanne was tireless in her efforts and contributions to help save the valley for the children despite dealing with serious personal health issues during our campaign. Suzanne's creative talents were put to good use making custom Clover Valley banners, decorating a float for local Rocklin parades, going door-to-door for the Save Clover Valley referendum with her young children in tow, and compiling a cookbook of favorite recipes from our supporters as a fund-raising campaign. We hope to make Suzanne's wish come true to save the valley for future generations. Rest in Peace, Suzanne, knowing with great confidence we forge on to accomplish our mission.
Clover Valley Foundation's 20th Anniversary
CVF was formed in the spring of 1999 and our 20th anniversary is approaching. It's hard to believe we have been at it for this long but, hey, let's celebrate! Persistence and perseverance is required to save special places in this world. Stay tuned for an announcement for a special event to celebrate our efforts and our anniversary.
Update on Clover Valley Subdivision Plan
In the spring of 2017, CVF Board members met with the City of Rocklin City manager and his planning staff regarding the status of subdivision plans that were previously approved by the City. Despite very favorable economic conditions, the current owners of Clover Valley have yet to submit a final subdivision map that must also be approved. The City has met with the property owners and we are told that there are some potential changes to their approved development plan in the works. We do not know the extent of the revised development plans at this time.
Board Members
Doug Brewer Elected President
On January 19, 2018 Doug Brewer, who previously served as Secretary to the Board for nearly 15 years, was elected as the new Foundation President. Doug is an environmental consultant who specializes in CEQA and the Endangered Species Act and was instrumental in identifying fatal flaws in the City's environmental documentation, which required subsequent revisions to the EIR and development plans with major reduction in the number of homes being proposed. He looks forward to following in Marilyn's footsteps and providing decisive leadership and vision to accomplish the Foundation's goal to acquire the valley.
Marilyn Jasper, Secretary
Marilyn Jasper, founder and creator of the CVF organization served as President for nearly 20 years. We are extremely grateful for all Marilyn has done over the years, and she will continue to serve as Secretary to the Board. Marilyn's tireless efforts, tenacity and passion are a major reason for our success as an organization. As many of our members know, Marilyn is a busy bee involved in numerous nonprofit organizations to work on open space, environmental conservation and animal rights issues.
Tony Rakocija, Treasurer
Tony Rakocija, recently retired from AT&T, has been a Rocklin resident for over 20 years. He will continue to serve as Treasurer to the Board. Tony is responsible for monitoring our checking account, paying invoices and balancing the books with your hard earned contributions for over last 10 years.
City of Rocklin Buys Shuttered Rocklin Golf Course
In December 2017, the City of Rocklin completed the purchase of the 184-acre former Sunset Whitney Country Club and Golf Course for $6.5 million dollars. The City used $1.1 million from the City's Oak Tree Preservation Fund to help purchase the property. Golf courses around the nation are closing due to a slow-but-gradual decline in interest in the sport by younger generations. CVF is excited about the new opportunities for Rocklin residents to use and enjoy this new open space in Rocklin. The City's Parks and Recreation Commission will be leading the effort to obtain input from area residents on the conversion of the old golf course to a mutli-purpose recreational area.
Although we are pleased with the City's acquisition and creation of new open space in the City, there are some potential unintended environmental consequences from the recent purchase of the golf course and conversion to open space — the loss of raw water deliveries to the old course.
Depending upon future decisions, there may be impacts from loss of water deliveries to the golf course from Placer County Water Agency. PCWA has used Clover Valley creek as a conduit for delivering water to the golf course for over 50 years. Those year-round water deliveries to the golf course created a lush wetland and biologically rich riparian ecosystem in CV creek that supports a variety of wildlife. In February 2018, Ricky Horst former Rocklin City Manager, committed the City to continue to buy water from PCWA to maintain the aquatic ecosystem. The City has committed to maintaining streamflows in Clover Valley Creek until a special water study is conducted for the new recreation area. CVF will monitor this situation and ensure that the ecosystem is maintained and protected for future generations.