Newsletter: Spring 2009
- Staying the Course
- The Ongoing Effort
- Advisory Board Created
- Creating Consortium of Buyers
- How You Can Help
Clover Valley Foundation: In It for the Long Haul!
For the past year, volunteers have been working steadily at the helm, continuing our effort to save Clover Valley. Here are the latest updates:
Support Is Strong: As a part of our recent Earth Day tabling activities, we gathered signatures on petitions which were submitted to state and federal agencies. In a very short period of time, literally hundreds of citizens signed petitions requesting a new survey (inventory) of historic and prehistoric sites in Clover Valley. Because proposed developments must avoid or mitigate for important or sacred sites, rather than simply destroy them, such a new archaeological survey would produce an updated, more accurate cultural report. Citizens were adamant in demonstrating their support and conviction that Clover Valley must be saved.
Litigation News: On April 29, 2009, we filed an appeal to challenge the Sacramento Superior Court's recent, disappointing decision. Back in September, 2007, Clover Valley Foundation, Sierra Club, and the Town of Loomis filed lawsuits claiming the California Environmental Quality Act was violated with the approval of the proposed development. However, the court disagreed with our positions and ruled in favor of the city of Rocklin and the developers. We do not undertake any legal action lightly, but after consulting with esteemed attorneys who specialize in environmental law, we believe that we have a strong case with great merit and that the judge's ruling needs to be reversed.
Federal Issues: Part of the proposed development plan requires filling in a portion of Clover Valley's precious wetlands and creating a plan to deal with some of the pre-historic sites. Before the project can proceed, these activities require a specific federal permit ("404 Permit") issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In April, under a tight federal deadline, volunteers spent literally hundreds of hours EACH researching federal laws and requirements, and submitted many pages of comments. Our position is that the current studies are inadequate, incomplete, and that the necessary permits should not be issued for the development to proceed.
The Truth: Clover Valley's uniquely diverse environmental and cultural resources are not amenable to development. No other place has such a concentration of wetlands, oak and riparian woodlands, wildlife, perennial creek, meadows, grasslands, scenic ridges, stone corral, rock walls, and 33 prehistoric sites all in a relatively narrow, two-mile long, steep-sloped valley. To consider bulldozing this special place into smithereens is an obscenity of colossal proportions.
Because of the complexity and fine points of federal law, and to leave no stone unturned, we retained attorneys to help us on this front as well.
Our ten-year struggle to save one of Placer County's most diverse ecological gems proceeds with resolve. We continue to give public updates and presentations, write letters, attend meetings, and research issues. In addition, we are working to build a consortium of buyers to purchase the property and remove this jewel from harm's way.
We believe now, more than ever, that Clover Valley can and should become a regional historic nature preserve with its wondrous environmental and cultural resources protected in perpetuity.
We are pleased to announce the formation of Clover Valley Foundation's first Advisory Board. In addition to the required non-profit Board of Directors, these wonderful, dedicated volunteers comprising the Advisory Board will share their points of views and lend their expertise on a myriad of issues.
An Advisory Board brings a broader perspective to Clover Valley Foundation-we are always delighted to have additional input. A big round of applause to the following: Janet Dunlap, Suzanne Kizer, Gary Liss, Allison Miller, Elaine O'Deegan, Don Perera, Walt Scherer, Janet Thew, Ken Votaw, and Duane Wilson.
The Clover Valley property owners recently expressed a willingness to sell. We all want a "win-win" resolution.
For a single public or private entity to purchase the property would be wonderful, but given the dynamics of this project, a consortium of buyers coming together to make an offer is more realistic. Thus, if you know of philanthropic, environmental, or conservation organizations that may be interested in becoming part of a consortium to purchase the property, please let us know.
With your help-contacts, leads, and letters of support-we believe the funds can be generated to purchase all 622 acres-two miles of meandering creek, wetlands, 28,000 oaks, meadows, grasslands, scenic ridge tops, historic, and prehistoric sites. A Clover Valley Historic Nature Preserve can become a reality and enjoyed forever by generations to come.
Fundraising is at the top of the list of our most immediate needs. We have no hired staff-no employees-we are a 100% volunteer non profit organization. When necessary, we have hired dedicated environmental attorneys, but there are additional costs: court fees, administrative record expenses, consultants, research, printing, etc. Although we run a very tight and frugal ship, we know this effort could last for years. There will be new issues to pursue, leads to follow, lawsuit appeals, motions to be answered, and many other expenses that will need to be covered.
We can use your help-with the most generous donation you can afford, and/or by asking others (friends, family, neighbors, etc.) to contribute, and/or by putting on a fundraising activity, such as a small house party.
Please help us raise the funds to carry on. Use the enclosed envelope to make a tax deductible donation, order a cookbook, or tell us how you can contribute to our fundraising efforts.
Writing letters is one of the best ways to keep "SAVE CLOVER VALLEY" alive and on the front burners. Please help us by writing to ALL local and regional newspapers (Gold Country Media, Placer Sentinel, Sacramento Bee, Sacramento News & Review), and all your elected representatives. Keep them aware of community support for saving Clover Valley. If you belong to other organizations, make certain leaders know the benefits of a regional historic nature preserve.
Stay in touch — If you wish to be on our email list to receive periodic updates, make certain we have your contact information.
Be sure to contact us if you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions. Visit our website:; email us at; or call us: 916-652-7005.
Your ongoing support is more important now than ever before. Because of citizen backing, we are able continue with this very worthwhile endeavor. Thank you for your help.