Newsletter: Summer 2007



Final EIR Is Out

The City of Rocklin recently released the FEIR (Final Environmental Impact Report) on the proposed Clover Valley development. If you commented, you should have received notice of the FEIR availability. Please go to Rocklin's website to download.

What Now?

Although we acknowledge the efforts made by city planning staff, there are still key areas that have not been adequately addressed. We are asking that you read your comments and corresponding responses (if you didn't comment, please review the comments/responses of others). Were the comments and questions answered substantively? Factual Evidence? Is the response thorough?

Clover Valley Foundation and Save Clover Valley Coalition members are all working diligently on the FEIR. However, we decided it was necessary to hire professionals-for specific legal and technical review. Depending upon City decisions, we intend to be prepared, should we have to consider legal remedies to counter this disastrous proposed project.

Please look at the comments/responses and let us know your findings and/or just as importantly: Attend the upcoming public hearings. To confirm hearing date(s), check with Rocklin (916) 625-5160, or check any of our three websites, or call our hotline: 916-435-3828.

We urge you to support our grassroots organization with your most generous donation. We ask you to invest in our cause as we continue to address an ill-conceived and unnecessary proposed development with irreversible impacts on this community. We have no paid staff, no frills, and no plans to give up our vision: a life-enriching opportunity for future generations. We need your financial support-now more than ever!

Please Donate!

For eight years, you have shown support for saving Clover Valley's rare and vanishing resources by thoughtfully donating. As a 100 per cent volunteer non profit, we are now approaching the finish line.

No one looks forward to a lawsuit, but that is our civilized process to oppose a wrong. If there are viable alternatives, we will be looking at them. Clover Valley Foundation is incurring costs for legal review of a document that is over 1,000 pages and is hiring consultants to evaluate the studies. As volunteers we do the best we can, but we MUST hire professionals. Fortunately, we've engaged the very best, who are willing to offer us non-profit fee discounts. Still, we need your help.

If you can contribute any amount, you are assisting us in a battle to save a pristine, important, unique urban valley that has resisted the forces of destruction for eight years. We ask you to join us in this worthy cause to save Clover Valley, which, as an urban preserve, historical interpretive center and open space, will benefit all in the city and region. Your donation will be most appreciated!

Public Hearing

Please attend and help SAVE CLOVER VALLEY!
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Check our websites and/or call our hotline at 435-3828 to verify:
Monday, July 30, Sunset Center, 6:30 p.m.


In late May we commissioned Capitol Campaigns of Sacramento, a professional polling firm to conduct a citywide, scientific poll of Rocklin registered voters. The results were stunning and extremely encouraging. Poll results showed 3 out of 4 are in favor of saving the valley.

Citizens overwhelmingly support our efforts, and, very importantly, they do not want the increased traffic the proposed Valley View Parkway would bring. This proposed highway would connect Sierra College Blvd. to Park Dr.--allowing Rocklin to be a virtual thoroughfare for motorists from Bickford Ranch, Twelve Bridges, Hwy 65, and other Lincoln subdivisions to the north and points beyond.

To see and learn more about the poll results, please visit: Saving Clover Valley and click on "May Poll Results."

We are keeping all our options open at this point, but referendum and legal action may be necessary recourses should Rocklin officials fail to make decisions in the best interests of all.

Welcome New Board Member: Doug Brewer

Clover Valley Foundation is pleased to announce its newest board member: Doug Brewer. A resident of Rocklin, Doug brings to the Foundation years of experience in the environmental field, including work for Jones and Stokes, in Sacramento, and currently with ECOLOGIC of Rocklin.

Many in the area have seen Doug out and about as a dedicated parent and energetic troop leader of a pack of Boy Scouts of America. We are fortunate to have someone with his integrity and knowledge working to save Clover Valley. Welcome, Doug!

Referendum Issues

Although CV Foundation will not participate in this process due to non-profit restrictions, we are allowed to report, educate, and inform the public. A Save CV Committee has formed and is preparing for a referendum. See websites for information.

In Celebration

Happy Birthday donations were received on behalf of Michael Tritel, Delaney Jasper, as well as newborn Monroe Gene Jasper.

A retirement congratulatory gift was received in the name of Bill Dorman for a remarkable 40-year career at CSUS.

In Memory

We gratefully acknowledge recent donations in memory of Vladimir Plevancic ("wonderful neighbor, friend, and gardener who loved Clover Valley"), Rudy Yadao, and Brent M. Smith. May they rest in peace.

Please send your tax-deductible donations to:

Clover Valley Foundation
P.O. Box 713
Loomis, CA 95650

To donate to "Save Clover Valley," please send your donations to 3031 Stanford Ranch Road, Ste 2-201, Rocklin, CA 95765-5537.

Any amount, large or small, is welcome. Questions, ideas, suggestions? Please email or call (916) 652-7005.