Newsletter: Spring 2006


Clover Valley Must Not Be Destroyed

Proposed Development Hits Community Opposition

At the public hearing on February 23, the Rocklin Sunset Recreation Center was filled to standing-room-only capacity. Long-time Placer County residents, newcomers, folks from other regions, and students from Sierra College gave oral testimony to address the inadequacies of the new "Clover Valley Draft Recirculated Environmental Impact Report" (EIR). A few pro-development comments were made, but the vast majority in attendance opposed the project as planned.

Unrealistic Expectations: Start Grading in June

According to the EIR, the "… construction would likely begin in 2006." (Page 3-27). We believe this timeline is unrealistic. In addition, the plan is to grade 310 acres (out of 622) all at once. This timeline, plus the magnitude of the destruction, is totally unacceptable.

We believe such reckless and wanton squandering of the resources must be stopped. Currently, we await the release of the Final EIR, and a response from the City of Rocklin, which will determine our next steps.

Difficult But Diligent

For more than 50 days, a large group of dedicated people worked endlessly to comment on the 5" thick EIR. It became obvious that professional assistance was needed to adequately comment on this tome; thus, the environmental law firm of J. William Yeates was retained.

In addition to helping us obtain a much needed 9-day extension, they also submitted comments on behalf of Clover Valley Foundation.

Why Oppose the Project?

The long list of significant and unavoidable impacts created by the proposed Clover Valley project makes it one of the most damaging developments in the area. In spite of the destructive impacts mentioned, the Draft EIR omitted additional significant impacts, and attempted to sail merrily on with inadequate mitigation. Because so many unique natural resources will be severely impacted, the only logical destiny for Clover Valley is preservation.

"Private property rights" are often cited as a justification for project approval. This myth holds no credibility when viewed from a community perspective. The "impacts" from the proposed development will impinge upon community rights to clean air and water, protection of historical/cultural treasures, scenic, irreplaceable landscapes, and will add to existing traffic woes to benefit only a small minority.

How You Can Help at This Critical Time

We must raise the necessary funds to continue this effort to stop the Clover Valley disastrous development as currently planned. We have held it off for over six years, but now, in the home stretch, the pressure is on. The developers would start bulldozing tomorrow, if they could.

Does anyone in his or her right mind look forward to litigation? Of course not. However, not being ready, should the necessity arise, would be pathetically naïve of us, especially in light of the intransigence of the developers, and the lack of foresight from Rocklin officials. We must have funds ready when the time arrives to proceed with legal remedies. In addition, from the time the EIR is certified, we will only have 30 days to file. Now is the time for large-scale fundraising.

How Efficient Are We?

As a completely volunteer organization, we have no paid staff. We hire professional help and consultants only when obvious that it is absolutely necessary. We have incurred expenses (legal, printing, mailing, website, non-profit registry, etc.), but we have operated as tight and lean as possible with our officers contributing most generously of their economic resources, but even more generously of their time.

These are the critical moments. If we can generate economic support from a wide range of citizens, we can be ready when the gauntlet is thrown down at our feet.

Clover Valley Foundation's vision is for the region, for the community, and yes, for you. Try to think of the service that the Foundation is providing. Try to put a value on the time and energy that is being spent on saving the valley, and know that we are working for you as well as for a larger vision. In that sense, please consider a generous, tax-deductible gift to help us continue our fight.

We know deeply that Clover Valley is to this region as Yosemite is to the continent. We know how difficult "restoration" is compared to "preservation." Help us ensure that this colossal mistake, this devastating proposed development and destruction of Clover Valley, is stopped. Your donation represents an investment in the future of this irreplaceable valley.

What Else Are We Doing?

In addition to fundraising efforts, we are meeting regularly, writing letters (editors, City), giving presentations to groups, tabling, canvassing neighborhoods, and contacting as many public agencies and officials as possible.

In Memory

We gratefully acknowledge recent donations in memory of Blanche L. Frenaye, Frank Gloriosa, Everett Johnson, Nels Tahti, and Brent M. Smith. May they rest in peace.

In Celebration

A generous holiday donation in lieu of gifts to a small group of old friends was made by Paul Wortman. Also, a retirement donation was received congratulating Pat Dorman. We appreciate such thoughtful, helpful gifts.

In General

We want to thank donors who continue to support us on a regular basis. Any amount you can give to show your support of this monumental undertaking is appreciated.

We also want to thank all volunteers who have given so tirelessly of their precious time and all citizens who participated in the DEIR commenting process.

We are committed to opposing the unnecessary destruction of Clover Valley and vow to continue our efforts to preserve one of nature's most precious gifts to the region.

Please send your tax-deductible donations to:

Clover Valley Foundation
P.O. Box 713
Loomis, CA 95650

To donate to "Save Clover Valley," please send your donations to 3031 Stanford Ranch Road, Ste 2-201, Rocklin, CA 95765-5537.

Any amount, large or small, is welcome. Questions, ideas, suggestions? Please email or call (916) 652-7005.

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of autumn."

— John Muir
Naturalist, Writer, Conservationist, and Founder of the Sierra Club