Newsletter: Fall 2005


What a year it has been!

Many critical events took place in 2005, and more are on the horizon. Here are some of the highlights.

Non Profit Status and Happenings

Clover Valley Foundation is now officially a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation! Back in 1999, when the effort to save Clover Valley began, a timeline of two or three years seemed reasonable. We joined forces with wonderful WPCARE folks and operated under their umbrella. As the years continued, we realized we needed our own non-profit status; and at last, we have arrived.

We will continue our close relationship with WPCARE as well as a multitude of other fine organizations that have joined in the effort to save Clover Valley.

"Save Clover Valley" is our other non-profit organization, but it is not a 501(c)3. This is an important legal distinction and necessary in order to cover all the avenues we need to pursue.

The "Save Clover Valley" group of volunteers is very active with biweekly meetings, letter writing, presentations, tabling, film showings, distributing lawn signs (this summer's theft of over 200 was an eye opener!), commenting, and campaigning. Many of these efforts are possible due to a generous financial grant from the United Auburn Indian Community.

The owner/developers have a new name, "Clover Valley Partners," and have begun a slick campaign to promote their disastrous proposed project. We cannot assume the public will be able to see past the "spin" of the developers' misleading claims; thus, we must intensify our opposition to the project.

Other Activities

We had multiple viewings of the film, "Clover Valley: The Secret of Rocklin." The venues were expanded to include areas between Auburn, Lincoln, Loomis, and Roseville. Clover Valley has the potential to be a regional preserve that would benefit all the surrounding communities.

And last, but not least, we are engaged in many other seemingly minor detailed activities that on the surface might not appear to warrant our attention. However, at this stage, we diligently pursue any possible leads or ideas which may affect our goals of saving Clover Valley (from encouraging creek restoration, participating in community events and civic organizations, to opposing road privatization, to mention just a few). We welcome ANY of your ideas and suggestions.

New Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

After years of repeated requests, a new, third "Recirculated" EIR (REIR) is now in progress. (Although one EIR was completed and certified in 1997, a second EIR in 2002 was never finalized.) The first step, called the "Notice of Preparation" (NOP), occurred in October, to which we submitted comments. We currently await the release of the Draft REIR.

Due to the extreme importance and need for quality, foundation-building comments on the Draft REIR, we will engage the services of our environmental attorneys (as we did in 2002). As citizens from diverse backgrounds, we simply do not have the necessary expertise to participate in the REIR process at the level necessary to prevail should we end up in court. We believe our legal team is one of the best; we will be fundraising in order to engage them fully. (See Fundraising).


By the time you receive this, you may have seen our group staffing the phones at the KVIE pledge drive (Dec 4, 3 to 8 pm). Volunteers are needed for many other activities. Call Allison at (916) 435-4845 for more information.

New Website

Since we have received our official non-profit status, it is time for a new, separate website. You may be seeing some changes in our outward appearance, but you may be assured that our goal to preserve Clover Valley remains the same. We are currently "under construction" but soon can be found at


The list of people who have stepped up and helped in monumental ways is too long to list here. Some folks have been working for years; others have helped as occasions warrant; but the quality and dedication of every volunteer is inspiring. We are forever grateful for all the passionate people who are the backbone of this noble effort.

In addition to providing Clover Valley Foundation with many pro-bono hours of legal help, Therese Adams, of the law firm of Adams and Hayes of Lincoln, has also generously offered to donate a percentage of her fees from clients who utilize her professional legal services to create or revise estate plans. We could not be where we are without her help.

In Memory

We gratefully acknowledge donations that have been made in memory of Steve Briggs, Diane Jasper, Brent M Smith, and Nels Tahti, who supported the saving of Clover Valley. May they rest in peace.


Did we say "attorneys"? Did we say "great environmental attorneys"? YES!

To date we have spent a great deal on legal and educational activities, but we have much more to do. At the risk of repetition, our legal team provides professional expertise that will build a solid legal foundation. We need your financial support more than ever. Please consider donating as generously as you can. We have one shot at saving this pristine, rare and unique valley, and with the best legal guidance at every step, we will prevail.

Please send your tax-deductible donations to:

Clover Valley Foundation
P.O. Box 713
Loomis, CA 95650

To donate to "Save Clover Valley," please send your donations to 3031 Stanford Ranch Road, Ste 2-201, Rocklin, CA 95765-5537.

Any amount, large or small, is welcome. Questions, ideas, suggestions? Please email or call (916) 652-7005.

Book Review

In your spare time (ha!), highly recommended with many more well-researched and articulated compelling reasons to save Clover Valley: Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder, by Richard Louv.

"The ultimate test of man's conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard."

— Senator Gaylord Nelson
Founder of Earth Day