Rocklin Residents Support Saving Clover Valley — Rocklin Poll, June 2007
Development would be easily defeated in referendum, poll shows
ROCKLIN, CA. — By an overwhelming three to one margin, Rocklin residents oppose the proposed development of historical Clover Valley, and if a referendum on the issue were held today, voters would soundly defeat the development, according to a recent poll conducted by Capitol Campaigns of Sacramento and Viewpoint USA of Madison, CT.
The poll, which was commissioned by Clover Valley Foundation and Save Clover Valley Coalition, found that by virtually every measurement and in every segment of the population, residents want to save Clover Valley. If an election were held today on a referendum to overturn the city council's approval of the Clover Valley Lakes Development, 74.4% would vote yes.
When asked whether or not they support the plan to develop Clover Valley, only 12.8% of registered voters in Rocklin said yes.
Responding to the overwhelming opinion of Rocklin residents, a group of Rocklin citizens are forming a committee in preparation for a referendum should the Rocklin City Council vote to approve the Clover Valley Lakes housing development.
"It's heartening to know that Rocklin citizens recognize the unique treasure that we have in Clover Valley," said Elaine O'Deegan, a spokesperson for the Save Clover Valley Coalition. "Our city is great. We don't need to add more traffic to our streets while destroying one of the most historically rich valleys in Northern California. If the City Council decides to ignore the will of the people, we will make sure the people of Rocklin get their voices heard."
Among the top concerns, Rocklin voters cited the increase in traffic that would accompany the development and the proposed new highway that would connect Highways 80 and 65, significantly impacting Park Drive and surrounding areas.
"Developing Clover Valley will seriously increase traffic and create gridlock in our community," said Don Perera, co-chairman of the newly formed Committee to Save Clover Valley. Perera emphasized that, "All along, the Save Clover Valley Coalition has been concerned with the traffic issues that accompany the proposed development," he said.
Additional poll results can be found on the Save Clover Valley Coalition's three websites:, and The Coalition is a non-profit organization comprised of volunteer citizens and is a member of the Rocklin Chamber of Commerce.
The poll surveyed Rocklin registered voters between May 17-22 and has a margin of error of 4.7%.
Contact: Elaine O'Deegan, 916-276-4243 or Don Perera, 916-435-1063 for more information.
To read more detailed information with graph, go to:
- Rocklin Poll June 2007 available at Saving Clover Valley website